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Personal Injury
Personal Injury
Automobile Accident Victim
of Drunk Driver
Wrongful Death Negligence
Intentional Tort Defamation
Civil Rights related to
Unlawful Arrest
Search and Seizure
Excessive Force
First Amendment Speech
Amendment Religion
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Hostile Work Environment
Wage and/or Overtime
General Litigation
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days Within 1 year
Within 2 years Over 2 years Continuing
Please provide details of your inquiry with relevant
chronology of events if applicable
Terms of Use
Thomas H. Roberts & Associates, P.C. makes every effort to provide
relevant general legal information in response to inquiries.
Thomas H. Roberts & Associates, P.C. requires a written
representation agreement before an attorney-client relationship is
created and before the firm represents you. By using this form, you agree
that you will not disclose any confidential information or seek to disqualify
Thomas H. Roberts & Associates, P.C. in the event that the firm represents
an adverse party. All deadlines, including
notice and filing deadlines remain your responsibility until and unless the firm
has entered a representation agreement with you. Use of
this form does NOT create an attorney-client relationship.
Thomas H. Roberts is licensed in Commonwealth of Virginia and is admitted to practice law in all Virginia Courts and in various federal courts including the United States Supreme Court. No act by or communication from Thomas H. Roberts and/or the law firm of Thomas H. Roberts & Associates, P.C. should be construed as evincing any intent or purpose to avail himself or itself of the privilege of conducting activities within any other State or forum or to invoke the benefits and protections of such State or forum's laws.
By Clicking On This Form You Agree To The Terms of Use
The facts and circumstances of each case are unique and
therefore the fact that a law firm has obtained significant verdicts and results
in other cases in no way guarantees that other cases will have similar results.